Juan Riaño
Introducing our intern, Juan Riaño.
WhereNext intern, Juan Riaño.
Juan is a passionate and dedicated climber who has represented Colombia at international level. He’s studying audiovisual media, social communication, and journalism at the Politécnico Grancolombiano University.
Tell us about yourself.
My name is Juan Sebastian Riaño. I am 23 years old and like movies, music, photography, travel, and outdoor sports. I'm in my last semester of university at the Politécnico Grancolombiano, where I am studying audiovisual media, social communication, and journalism. I've been practicing sport climbing for more than ten years and have gone out on different occasions to represent the country in competitive events.
What was your most memorable travel experience?
In 2015, I had the opportunity to travel to Italy to a youth climbing world cup; during the tour, we stopped in Spain, where we visited Madrid and went rock climbing in Cuenca. Then we arrived in Italy, where we spent a whole week competing with other athletes from Colombia and the rest of the world. After the competition, we had time to visit nearby places, such as Lake Garda and various castles. We also tried some delicious local dishes. Meeting and spending time with professional climbers was like meeting my favorite superheroes.
Juan is a dedicated and talented climber, who has represented Colombia at an international level.
Dead or alive, who would you like to join you on an adventure?
I would like to take a trip with my uncle Pedro. He is an older man who knows a lot about history and has traveled around the world. He is very knowledgeable about various subjects; whenever I talk to him, I learn something new.
What are your travel equipment essentials?
I can't leave home without my headphones. It's the most important thing; they are always with me wherever I am. Likewise, I can't leave home without a camera, hat, climbing gear, comfortable and warm overalls, and a warm hoodie for traveling. The rest will sort itself out during the adventure.
When did you feel happiest?
I have been very happy on many different occasions and for different reasons. The standout is the feeling of reaching the top on a new climbing route of a high level and Christmas shared with my family when we all get together.
Juan feels happiest when he has conquered a new climbing route.
Who taught you your biggest life lesson, and what was it?
My mother has always taught me very important things that I now apply in my life. I have also learned a lot from my closest friends when we talk and learn from our mistakes; my biggest lesson is to have good energy, be positive, be patient, and enjoy the process. I think I still have a lot to learn, but each lesson has the same value as the others.
Juan climbing in Colombia.
You can teleport to any restaurant on Earth: where do you go, and what do you order?
No restaurant comes to mind, but if I would like to return to an uncle's farm a few years ago to eat fresh oranges just off the tree, I could eat them for days without stopping.
Tell us about the most adventurous food you’ve ever eaten.
Once, coming down from camping at 4000 m.a.s.l in El Cocuy with friends, a family of farmers invited us to eat a traditional goat dish, which I tried for the first time. Eating something so rich after being in extreme conditions was very rewarding.
Drink of choice?
It depends on the occasion. Lulo juice to accompany a meal, passion fruit or orange juice for refreshment, and a Cuba Libre if I'm hanging out with friends.
Where do you feel most at home?
I feel at home getting to know new places, exploring different spaces, facing uncertainty, and getting out of my comfort zone.
Juano Riaño working on a new video for WhereNext in our Bogotá office.
Introducing our Colombia production company’s Digital Marketing Manager, Matilde Espinosa, or Mati as she’s better known around the office. Mati tells us about her travel adventures in Australia, her side-hustle as a cattle farmer, and her incurable addiction to gummy bears!