Read about our purpose-driven clients and consulting work. Creative studio + production house. Campaigns that amplify projects that do global good. Celebrations of team and culture, original stories, news, insider interviews, and more.

A Sea of Possibilities
Positioning Cartagena as an international destination for nautical tourism.

Destination Nature
WhereNext’s purpose-driven consultancy awarded USAID Colombia’s Destination Nature Activity as the local implementing subcontractor.

Rebuilding Tourism for the Future
We need to stop rethinking the tourism of the future and start rebuilding tourism for the future. Here are three sustainable tourism lessons that we need to learn to make that happen.
La Silla Vacía
WhereNext’s sustainable tourism consultancy partnered with La Silla Vacia, a groundbreaking Colombian news website, to design and market a series of experiential travel tours to off-the-beaten-track regions of Colombia.

Tourism Business Sustainability
Despite being key users of destinations' environmental resources and natural and cultural assets, tourism businesses are not contributing to their preservation in the same proportion that they are using them to support their activities.

Protecting Colombia’s Natural Heritage
Through Sustainable Travel: Lessons From the Pandemic. After three years of struggle, we see a strong comeback in the sector, demonstrating its incredible resilience.