
Read about our purpose-driven clients and consulting work. Creative studio + production house. Campaigns that amplify projects that do global good. Celebrations of team and culture, original stories, news, insider interviews, and more.


Viviana Nassar
Culture WhereNext Culture WhereNext

Viviana Nassar

Our Bogotá, Colombia-based Senior Financial Analyst is a fan of Lebanese cuisine and a traveler with a taste for Colombian coffee.

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Juan Camilo Pedraza
Culture WhereNext Culture WhereNext

Juan Camilo Pedraza

Juan is a filmmaker, videographer, editor, and illustrator (although he humbly refers to himself as a 'wannabe' in this area). He is also a dog lover.

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Men's Journal Magazine
Work WhereNext Work WhereNext

Men's Journal Magazine

Production services in Colombia for a Men's Journal Magazine feature article about fishing in Colombia's remote outback grasslands via bush plane.

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It's Colombia Not Columbia
Work Gregg Bleakney Work Gregg Bleakney

It's Colombia Not Columbia

How WhereNext organized event and video production services in Colombia for Columbia Sportswear's Outdry Extreme product launch and press event.

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