Colombia + Competitiva


WhereNext Wins bid to oversee communications for the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs.

Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) COLOMBIA + COMPETITIVA

WhereNext’s in-house communications agency will design and implement a strategy that highlights and positions the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs’ sustainable development initiatives focusing on inclusion, innovation, and competitiveness.

Client: Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) COLOMBIA + COMPETITIVA

Country: Colombia

Colombia + Competitiva (C+C) is a joint initiative of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs and the Colombian Government, with Swisscontact — the Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation — acting as the local facilitator. The program promotes green and inclusive growth through public policy and structural reforms that facilitate a favorable business environment and improve competitiveness. The program also boosts the international exposure of cacao, coffee, and sustainable tourism and construction.

During the program's first phase (2017-2020), C+C contributed to 14 new public policy laws, reforms, resolutions, and decrees and invested USD 15M in 35 projects that positively impacted 314 companies.

WhereNext will implement a comprehensive communications strategy to publicize C+C milestones, achievements, and the positive impact of C+C’s work in Colombia. The full suite of services includes:

  • Traditional and digital media diagnosis.

  • PR and communications benchmarking.

  • Creative briefs and brand strategy.

  • Audience mapping, social network management, and content grids.

  • Content writing and editing, newsletter management, and SEO strategy.

  • Media relations, free press strategy, and press releases.

  • Field video productions in the program’s beneficiary regions.

  • Program conclusion events.

Three years ago, at the height of COVID-19, C+C hired WhereNext to produce a campaign called Colombia me Inspira (Colombia Inspires Me) that helped reactivate a tourism sector badly affected by the pandemic. We are proud that C+C has again placed its trust in us by awarding WhereNext this project to manage communications across the program’s final phase.
— Gregg Bleakney, Founder CEO WhereNext

WhereNext has more than a decade of experience optimizing communications for purpose-driven organizations that make the world a better, fairer, and more sustainable place to live. The company’s multilingual graphic design, audiovisual production, marketing, communications, and project management experts work together as a multidisciplinary team, and its core management team has a wealth of experience delivering large-scale international development initiatives.

Read in Spanish HERE.

Born from an integrated creative studio, production house, and communications agency, WhereNext is a purpose-driven consultancy for purpose-driven organizations. We develop and amplify projects that do global good.

El Gran Chicó


Colombia + Competitiva